Kisbori Palinka House - Palinka label design
Hungarian traditional palinka bottle sticker design

Client: Kisbori Palinka House
Industry: Food, Wine
Country: Hungary
Project details
Artamax desined new labels for Hungarian traditional palinka, produced by Kisbori Sváb Palinka House.
Labels were produced as a set for several palinak types: pear, plum of Beszterce, william pear, grape (Irsai Oliver) and plum.
Final stickers

Design elements for the the labels

Sticker on the bottle

One of the design concepts with handmade illustration

One of the design concepts with handmade illustration

Solutions provided
Project team
Art-Director: Vadim Ostapenko
Design: Timár András, Vadim Ostapenko
Management: Timár András
Team: Timár András, Vadim Ostapenko
Other works for this Client
Get in touch!
- International clients (English):
+36 30 231-1512 | Vadim Ostapenko
- Clients in Hungary (Hungarian)
+36 30 495-6522
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