Cantinetta Photo Shooting

Photography services for gastronomy store

Client: Cantinetta Gastronomia

Industry: Food, Wine

Country: Hungary

Project details

Professional photo shooting for Cantinetta -- gastronomy store and Italian culinary delights in Budapest.

We have provided a wide range of quality services to the client: logo design, identity design, marketing materials, website design and development, advertisement and much more.

Photo of the shop

Photo of the shop

Image photo

Food photography

Solutions provided

Professional photo shooting

Project team

Art-Director: Timár András

Design: Kassai Balázs, Timár András

Management: Timár András

Team: Kassai Balázs, Timár András

Other works for this Client

Cantinetta Logo

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logo design for Cantinetta Gastronomy Store

Cantinetta Website Design

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Cantinetta Gastronomia Business Cards

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Business cards design for Cantinetta

Cantinetta Gastronomia Outdoor Posters

Client: Cantinetta Gastronomia

Giant posters design for Cantinetta Gastronomia Budapest

Cantinetta Marketing Materials

Client: Cantinetta Gastronomia

Marketing materials design for Cantinetta Gastronomy Store

Get in touch!

  • Clients in Hungary (Hungarian)

    +36 30 495-6522
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